Semaglutide Weight Loss Tustin

Overview of Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide is an injectable medication used for semaglutide weight loss treatment. It is similar to a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that is released naturally by the body. Semaglutide helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces appetite, leading to weight loss in overweight and obese patients.

When used alongside diet and exercise, semaglutide can result in significant weight loss for many patients. In clinical trials, people lost an average of 12-15% of their body weight with semaglutide treatment over 68 weeks.

Benefits of using semaglutide for weight loss:

Semaglutide is an exciting new option for sustained semaglutide weight loss for those struggling with obesity. When combined with lifestyle changes, it can help patients finally achieve their weight loss goals.

Renew Hormone Clinic Semaglutide Weight Loss Program

Here at Renew Hormone Clinic in Tustin, we offer a personalized semaglutide weight loss program to help patients lose weight and improve their health.

Our board-certified healthcare providers specialize in weight loss treatments like semaglutide injections. We take the time to understand your unique medical history and needs to create a customized plan.

The Renew Hormone Clinic semaglutide weight loss program includes:

Our services

Initial Consultation

- Review health history, medications, lifestyle factors
- Discuss weight loss goals and expectations
- Conduct physical exam and relevant lab testing
- Provide semaglutide education and instructions

Prescription and Follow-Up

- Prescribe FDA-approved Wegovy semaglutide injections
- Teach proper self-injection techniques
- Closely monitor progress and side effects
- Make dosage adjustments as needed
- Provide nutrition and exercise guidance

Maintenance Plan

- Continue semaglutide treatment for sustained results
- Design a plan to keep weight off long-term
- Provide support and accountability

We also offer compounded semaglutide formulations at lower costs for patients needing financial assistance.

Our goal is to help patients lose weight, keep it off, and improve their overall health. We utilize semaglutide as part of comprehensive, patient-centered obesity treatment.

Choose Renew Hormone Clinic for personalized semaglutide weight loss.

Who is a Candidate for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is appropriate for adults struggling with obesity or being overweight. It can be used by patients unable to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.

Ideal candidates for semaglutide weight loss treatment have:

Semaglutide works best for patients who also improve their nutrition, increase activity levels, get enough rest, and make other beneficial health changes.

Our providers will determine if you are a suitable candidate during your initial semaglutide consultation.

How Semaglutide Promotes Weight Loss

Semaglutide helps facilitate weight loss through two mechanisms:

1. Appetite Reduction

Semaglutide activates areas of the brain involved in appetite regulation. This promotes feelings of fullness and satisfaction from smaller food portions. Patients naturally reduce calorie intake because they feel less hungry while taking semaglutide.

2. Slower Digestion

Semaglutide slows digestion by slowing stomach emptying. Food remains in the stomach longer, resulting in extended feelings of fullness. This also helps reduce appetite between meals.

Together, appetite regulation and slower digestion allow semaglutide for weight loss to work effectively. Patients often lose significant weight with semaglutide while feeling full and energized.

Dosing and Administration

Semaglutide comes in a user-friendly pre-filled pen allowing self-injection at home. Our staff will demonstrate the proper injection process during your first visit.

Most patients start with 0.25 mg weekly, ramping up every 4 weeks until reaching a maintenance dose of 2.4mg once weekly. Semaglutide activates gradually in the body during dosage increases. This allows the body to adjust and helps avoid undesired gastrointestinal effects.

Injections are administered weekly on your chosen day. Consistency is important to keep sufficient semaglutide levels for appetite reduction. Mark your weekly dose on your calendar and set reminders on your phone.

Missed doses: Take your missed semaglutide dose as soon as you remember, as long as it is at least 3 days until your next scheduled dose. Otherwise, skip the missed dose.

Let your Renew Hormone Clinic provider know if you miss multiple doses so we can determine if dosage adjustments are needed. Do not take extra semaglutide to "catch up" - this will not lead to faster or increased weight loss.

Take control of your weight loss journey now!

Expected Weight Loss Results

In clinical studies, semaglutide patients lost an average of 12-15% of initial body weight over 68 weeks. Some studies showed 17-18% weight loss at the highest semaglutide dose of 2.4 mg.

However, weight loss varies significantly person to person depending on factors like:

Some patients lose 5-8% of body weight. Others may lose up to 25%. Consistency is key - those who take semaglutide regularly and make lifestyle changes generally lose the most weight.

Most semaglutide weight loss occurs steadily in the first 20-30 weeks before plateauing. Loss of 1-2 lbs per week is reasonable for many patients. Very low calorie diets can lead to faster initial weight loss but are less sustainable long-term.

As providers specializing in weight loss, we help patients set realistic goals for their body and health status. The number on the scale is not everything - improved fitness and reduced health risks also important.

Lifestyle Changes for Best Results

While semaglutide promotes weight loss through appetite/digestion changes, lifestyle modifications optimize results:

Dietary Changes

- Reduce calories moderately - severe calorie cuts are difficult to sustain
- Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables
- Focus meals on lean protein, high fiber foods
- Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly
- Limit added sugars, fried foods, heavy sauces
- Keep healthy snacks on hand to avoid impulsive choices

Exercise Program

- Aim for 150-300 minutes of moderate activity per week (e.g. brisk walking)
- Incorporate strength training 2-3x/week to boost metabolism
- Increase NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) - take the stairs, stretch at your desk, etc.
Start slow if needed and build up endurance over time.

Supportive Behaviors

- Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night
- Manage stress levels with yoga, meditation, etc.
- Join community fitness or weight loss groups
- Use phone apps to track nutrition, activity, weight trends

Learning sustainable long-term habits leads to better semaglutide weight loss outcomes. Our team helps patients implement lifestyle changes and healthy behaviors for lasting success. Small steps make a big difference over time!

Expected Timeline and Results

Most patients follow this general timeline for semaglutide weight loss:

0-4 Weeks

- Consultation visit, obtain prescription
- Learn to properly inject semaglutide
- Start 0.25 or 0.5 mg dose
- Begin making nutrition/exercise changes
- May lose 2-5 lbs of water weight initially

4-20 Weeks

- Increase dose gradually up to 2.4 mg
- Set reasonable weight loss expectations
- Consistency with semaglutide & lifestyle changes is key!
- Steady loss of 0.5-2 lbs weekly expected for many

20 Weeks:

- Reach maintenance semaglutide dose
- Rate of weight loss may plateau
- Maintain motivation and consistency
- Consider added medications if needed

Throughout your treatment, we closely monitor your:

Dose adjustments, new medications, or referrals are made as appropriate to optimize your semaglutide weight loss results. As experts, we account for all relevant factors for your unique situation.

Side Effects and Safety

Semaglutide is well-tolerated by most patients but some temporary side effects can occur, especially when starting:

These typically resolve within 4-8 weeks as the body adjusts. Taking semaglutide with food or lowering doses helps manage gastrointestinal effects. Stay well hydrated and notify us if problems persist.

Rare, serious risks require emergency care:

Contraindications where semaglutide should not be used:

Use cautiously with reduced kidney function or diabetic retinopathy. Semaglutide has not been studied in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

We monitor labs and symptoms to ensure safe, effective semaglutide treatment catered to your health status. Notify us about concerning or serious side effects.

Why Choose Renew Hormone Clinic?

When looking for "semaglutide weight loss clinics near me", choose Renew Hormone Clinic in Tustin for proven expertise and quality care.

Our board-certified obesity medicine and endocrinology providers have over 20 years extensive experience safely using semaglutide for sustained weight loss. We stay up-to-date with the latest research to equip patients for success.

We take a comprehensive, empathetic approach understanding each patient???s unique health background and challenges. Our goal is to help you improve wellness through effective medical and lifestyle solutions.

Our Semaglutide Weight Loss Program Offers:

We are committed to providing exceptional care and achieving optimal outcomes for every patient. Contact Renew Hormone Clinic today to see how our semaglutide weight loss program can help you finally reach your goals!

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